• CCN structure

    Demonstrates the structure of the Canterbury Clinical Network.

  • Personnel diagram

    Find out who is responsible for key areas of work.

  • Strategic Focus

    Outlines CCN's strategic focus and direction over a 5-year period.

  • Charter of principles

    Outlines the key principles and rules of engagement our members sign up to.

  • Leadership team - key messages

    Key messages and announcements from CCN's Alliance Leadership Team.

  • CCN newsletter

    See past editions of CCN's bi-monthly electronic newsletter.

  • CCN karakia

    CCN's values based karakia (prayer) to guide our hui. 

  • VIDEO: KKPID - the basics

    Watch this video to learn the basics of Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design.

  • Step-by-step guide

    An introduction to the six-step values-based framework.

  • Printable tool

    A printable tool which can be folded to fit in your wallet.

  • VIDEO: Engaging communities

    Video explaining how we used KKPID to engaging communities.

  • Te Pae Tata

    Te Pae Tata interim New Zealand Health Plan 2022. 

  • Code of expectations

    How health entities work with consumers, whānau and communities.

  • Māori Health Framework

    Canterbury's guide to achieve best health outcomes for whānau Māori.

  • Pacific Health action plan

    The priority actions for our Pacific peoples over the next five years.

  • CALD framework

    Framework for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities.

  • Disability Action Plan

    A plan for improving the health system for people with disabilities.

  • Disability guidelines

    Guide for improving accessibility for disabled people in health settings.

  • Alcohol strategy

    Alcohol-related harm reduction strategy.

  • CCN quarterly reports

    Reporting CCN's progress towards targets and system outcomes.

  • Rangi McGlinchey

    Whanaungatanga (connection) and whānau for people with chronic pain.

  • Te Tumu Waiora Talking Cafe

    Talking Café connecting patients at St Martins.

  • Mana Ake supporting whānau

    Practical support provides hands-on skills for the whole whānau.

  • Ready for the holidays

    Kidney transplant recipient Don Saxon has a health plan ready for Christmas. 

  • In Bernie’s words

    A better breathing consumer story.

  • Exercise, kōrero and friends

    Phillipstown Better Breathing Coffee Group talk about their progress.

  • Importance of kōrero

    A patient’s perspective about the importance of kōrero.

  • Inspirational 86 year old

    Strength and balance classes have earned their weight in gold for Shirley.

  • Learning to breathe better

    Breathing easier with the Better Breathing Programme.

  • Becoming smokefree

    One mum's story about her journey to becoming smokefree.

  • Case Study: Applying Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design

    Looks at how the Pae Ora ki Waitaha project was achieved using Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design.

  • CASE STUDY: Community voice and leadership

    Showcases the key principles that led to positive outcomes for the Hurunui model of care.

  • CASE STUDY: Partnership & collaboration

    A case study sharing key principles that led to success of the Mana Ake - Stronger for Tomorrow initiative.

  • CASE STUDY: System-wide leadership

    Highlights the key principles that led to positive outcomes for the Integrated Respiratory Service. 

  • CASE STUDY: Data-driven decision making

    Highlights the key principles of using data to guide decisions for positive health outcomes.

  • CASE STUDY: Enabling connected care

    Highlights the key principles that support the use of shared care plans across the system.

  • Case study: Urgent Care Service Level Collaborative

    This case study explores the key elements of this group’s success.

  • Te Hā Waitaha

    A case study series highlighting critical alliance elements that lead to positive outcomes.