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The Primary Care Taskforce was established in February 2023 to provide leadership to initiatives or models of care that improve access to acute and unplanned care for our populations most at need by relieving primary care capacity pressures. The immediate priorities for this group is:

  • Identify and investigate short-medium term opportunities to enhance the local primary and community workforce that compliment local and national activity; and provide leadership to implementing opportunities identified. For example, collaborative recruitment or retention opportunities.
  • Explore and investigate short – medium term initiatives or alternative models of general practice that:
    • Build on the existing work of the PHOs, Canterbury Community Pharmacy Group (CCPG) and the Canterbury Primary Response Group (CPRG) workforce subgroup to improve access and gain operational efficiencies. For example enhancing the uptake of Inbox management.
    • Are aligned with national Early Actions Programme implementing comprehensive primary and community care teams and the introduction of new roles.
  • Provide an advocacy channel to national groups or organisations on matters that enable progress in addressing primary care capacity pressures.
Latest News
In a comprehensive survey conducted by the Canterbury Clinical Network’s Primary Care Taskforce (PCTF), findings have highlighted significant pressures on general practice capacity in Waitaha | Canterbury.
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28 May, 2024 |
A kete | toolkit of resources designed to support practices integrate a practice pharmacist into the team has been launched by the Primary Care Taskforce. 
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09 Apr, 2024 |
A survey initiated by the CCN Primary Care Taskforce (PCTF) in June 2023 has revealed that more than fifty percent of Waitaha | Canterbury General Practitioners (GPs) and Practice Nurses (PNs) who responded to the survey, are planning to leave or retire from general practice in the next three to five years.
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18 Dec, 2023 |
A group of health system staff and health consumers are pooling their experience and knowledge to address capacity pressures in primary care, which will make it easier for our communities to access care when they need it.
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22 Nov, 2023 |
Long after the last patient has been seen, many general practitioners (GPs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) are at their desks trying to get on top of their mountainous clinical inbox tasks. A kete of resources is now available to guide general practices to manage these inboxes differently, and assist clinicians to leave on time, respond to tasks in a timely way and have more time to care for patients.
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22 Nov, 2023 |
More than 200 general practice staff from across Waitaha | Canterbury have shared their thoughts and experiences around the growing pressures on general practice, in a survey open throughout June.
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28 Aug, 2023 |
More than 200 general practice staff have taken the opportunity to provide feedback about the pressures on general practice, in a survey open throughout June.
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13 Jul, 2023 |
The CCN (Canterbury Clinical Network) Primary Care Taskforce is seeking feedback from general practice teams to gather their views on what is contributing to the current pressures on primary care, and where they should focus their efforts to support practices in Canterbury | Waitaha. 
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23 Jun, 2023 |
A Primary Care Taskforce was established earlier this year to lead local changes aimed at addressing capacity pressures in primary care, with an initial focus on general practice. 
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22 Jun, 2023 |
Useful resources

Early Actions Programme

Te Whatu Ora's page on the primary, community and rural Early Actions Programme.