Hauora o Ngā Kaumātua

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The Health of Older People Workstream was disestablished in January 2024. The activity of the group has been transitioned to the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Ageing Well stream.

The Health of Older People Workstream (HOPWS) is enabling older people to live well at home and in their community through clinically-led service transformation. The Workstream provides oversight of the Canterbury health system’s strategic direction for older people, with a view towards an integrated system with accessible, organised and coherent services for older people in the community.

Previously the Aged Care Workstream, the HOPWS was established in 2009 as a key leadership and advisory group and aspires to extend independent living for older people. It has been instrumental in establishing several Service Level Alliances and new initiatives to transform services for older adults, including the Medication Management Service (MMS), Community Rehabilitation Enablement Support Team (CREST) and Falls Prevention.

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New working group invites feedback

06 Jul, 2017 | Return|

A short-life working group which aims to develop local agreement around electronically charting medications for residents of Aged Residential Care (ARC) is inviting feedback from prescribers and other users. 

The Pathway Development Group, part of Canterbury Clinical Network’s Health of Older People Workstream (HOPWS), was formed early June. It aims to develop and communicate exemplar scenarios and ways of working, which will help ensure safety of medication for ARC residents, especially at transfer of care and in acute care situations.

Identifying education requirements for non-regular users and facilitating communication amongst clinicians, to ensure regulatory requirements can be met within each provider’s scope of practice, are other priorities for the group.

At the end of the process, the HOPWS will communicate findings with the sector.

Members of the Pathway Development Group are:

  •          Ginny Brailsford, HOPWS Chair and Primary Care Liaison team member
  •          Dr Mark Sycamore, General Practitioner providing services to ARC residents 
  •          Alex de Roo, Pharmacist, Parkside Pharmacy
  •          Katt George, Pharmacist, Qualmed
  •          Janine Spiers, Clinical Nurse Manager at Rannerdale Veterans’ Care
  •          Karen Lake, Operations Training Manager at Ryman Healthcare
  •          Dr Rose Laing, GP Liaison General Medicine and Primary Care Liaison team
  •          Dr Stan Falloon, Nominee of the Clinical Director, 24 Hour Surgery
  •          Richard Scrase, Gerontology Nurse Specialist
  •          Dr Wendy Pattemore, Palliative Care Specialist Services
  •          Alison Young, CDHB Planning and Funding Project Specialist
  •          Nanette Ainge, CDHB Planning and Funding Project Specialist

To feed back any issues you’d like incorporating or considering, email Nanette Ainge via Nanette.Ainge@cdhb.health.nz by Friday 7 July 2017.

For more information about the group read the terms of reference.

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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For Health of Older People Workstream. Read full CCN work plan.

Strength and balance

Details about the Live Stronger for Longer campaign.