Tamaiti me te Rangatahi

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The Child and Youth Workstream was disestablished in November 2023. The activity of the group has been transitioned to the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Starting Well stream.

The Child and Youth Workstream (CYWS) aims to improve the mental and physical health of children and young people in Canterbury from before birth to the transition to adulthood.

The Workstream has three work groups, which meet separately - First 1000 days, Tamariki (children) and Rangatahi (youth – young adults). There are also forums held for all group members and the wider network to come together. 

The mahi (work) of each group includes:

  • working with families / whānau, the community and other agencies to lead the development of health and social services that achieve equity of health outcomes;
  • enabling the sharing of ideas and information on the health needs of pēpē (babies), tamariki and rangatahi;
  • identifying emerging issues and areas of need that will benefit from networking / transformational change / redesign of how services are provided. 
  • assessing areas of need to ensure the work group focusses resources on progressing complex changes that offer the greatest value in health outcomes, integration of services and /or increased efficiencies.

This workstream is a key point of integration between health, justice, education and social services with membership from across these perspectives.

Latest News

Report on Young Mothers in Canterbury DHB

14 Jan, 2017 | Return|

There were 158 women aged 18 and under on the 1st July 2016 who delivered a child over 20 weeks gestation a total of 167 times in CDHB maternity facilities on or before the 31st of August 2016. In total, there were 164 live-born babies born to these mothers. 

Read the brief report: http://ccn.health.nz/Portals/18/Documents/Young Mothers in the CDHB Brief Report.pdf

View the presentation: http://ccn.health.nz/Portals/18/Documents/Presentation Young Mums Final.pdf 

About the Author


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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For Child and Youth Health Workstream. Read full CCN work plan

Wellbeing strategy

Outlines what children and young people want and need for a good life.

Te Whiri Ora

A service supporting agencies to work with whānau to achieve aspirations.

Life-skills=work-ready skills

Students showcasing their life-skills and relevance to the world of work.