Hauora Taupori me te Putanga

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The Population Health and Access SLC was disestablished in August 2023. 

The overarching purpose of the Population Health & Access Service Level Alliance is to monitor population level health (outcomes) and to provide advice and recommendations (to the system through ALT) on innovative and integrative ways of providing care and ways to enable a health promoting health system (to continuously and equitably improve those outcomes).

The Population Health and Access Service Level Alliance was established in December 2017 to elevate the population health work in Canterbury to extend beyond the focus of PHO funded health promotion activities, to initiatives and approaches supporting improved health outcomes across the Canterbury health system and across partner agencies. 

Previously a population health work group sat under the Flexible Funding Pool SLA. The SLA’s role was to develop and prioritise population health services that support people to take greater responsibility for their own health and making healthy choices, with a focus on improving access to primary health care for populations with higher health needs.

Through the new Population Health & Access SLA there is an opportunity to develop the Canterbury Health System’s approach to addressing our population's determinants of health, and enabling the vision of a ‘health promoting health system’. 

Latest News

Join the growing trend this World Smokefree Day

31 May, 2018 | Return|

With figures showing that fewer New Zealanders are smoking, Te Hā – Waitaha is challenging more Cantabrians to join the trend and give smoking the flick.

Vivien Daley, Canterbury District Health Board Smokefree Manager, says that now is the perfect time to quit. “We know it’s not easy to stop smoking, but with the right support it can be done. And in addition to the wealth of health benefits you can gain, you’ll also give yourself a massive pay rise,” she said.

Increasing numbers of New Zealanders are living smokefree, with the most recent tobacco-use figures show nearly 85 per cent of New Zealanders do not smoke – 4% more than in 2008.

Vivien continued: “With tobacco prices rising by 10 per cent every year until 2020, smoking is getting more expensive. But there’s also more free support than ever before too – so why don’t you join the trend and go smokefree.”

Te Hā – Waitaha is a free stop smoking service which is available to all Cantabrians. While the service provides quality support for all, there is a specific focus on Maori, Pacific, pregnant women and high risk groups.

“Our quit coaches, who are based across Canterbury, can provide support face-to-face, via phone or text, in a group, or on your own,” continued Vivien.

“We share ways to make quitting a little easier including free nicotine replacement products like patches, gum and lozenges and advice on ways to beat the cravings.

“Being smokefree is increasingly normal in New Zealand, so I’m encouraging anyone who wants to give up smoking to take up the challenge this World Smokefree Day. At Te Hā – Waitaha, our job is to make it as easy as possible to stop smoking, and we are more than ready to help people choose to live smokefree.”

Phone 0800 425 700 or register online at www.stopsmokingcanterbury.co.nz if you or someone you know would like help to quit.

About the Author


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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For Population Health SLA. Read full CCN work plan.

Health in all policies toolkit

Tools and tips to support a health in all policies approach.

Interpreter Services

Best Practice Guidelines for interpreter services for Canterbury health system.

Case study - Te Hā Waitaha

A case study about working together towards equity.

The Te Ha - Waitaha journey

A video of the journey to Canterbury's collaborative stop smoking service.

Te Hā - Waitaha

Offers free stop smoking support to anyone in Canterbury.

Alcohol-related harm

Outlines rationale and vision for the strategy.