Hauora Taupori me te Putanga

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The Population Health and Access SLC was disestablished in August 2023. 

The overarching purpose of the Population Health & Access Service Level Alliance is to monitor population level health (outcomes) and to provide advice and recommendations (to the system through ALT) on innovative and integrative ways of providing care and ways to enable a health promoting health system (to continuously and equitably improve those outcomes).

The Population Health and Access Service Level Alliance was established in December 2017 to elevate the population health work in Canterbury to extend beyond the focus of PHO funded health promotion activities, to initiatives and approaches supporting improved health outcomes across the Canterbury health system and across partner agencies. 

Previously a population health work group sat under the Flexible Funding Pool SLA. The SLA’s role was to develop and prioritise population health services that support people to take greater responsibility for their own health and making healthy choices, with a focus on improving access to primary health care for populations with higher health needs.

Through the new Population Health & Access SLA there is an opportunity to develop the Canterbury Health System’s approach to addressing our population's determinants of health, and enabling the vision of a ‘health promoting health system’. 

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World Smoke Free Day 2019

31 May, 2019 | Return|

A Christchurch-based couple is enjoying the many benefits of being smoke free which, in their case, includes a brand new car.

“The day we got the car is the day we stopped smoking. The money we’re spending on this brand new car is less than what we were spent on smoking some weeks,” said Julian Dando and Hope Thomas.

“After having our first baby we decided we really needed a vehicle. Smoking was getting more and more expensive and we had to make a choice – quit and put the money towards a car, or continue to smoke and have our family go without.”

The couple, who had been cumulatively smoking for 24 years, tried many methods of quitting over the years but none had stuck. That was until they were referred to the free stop smoking service Te Hā – Waitaha early in 2018.

After some initial tests for carbon dioxide levels, their Quit Coach offered patches and lozenges, along with advice and recommendations on using them.   

“We used the patches for 3-4 months, but neither of us really took to the lozenges,” says Julian, who notes that some solutions don’t work for everyone. “What we found difficult was giving up the habit – we have not had any withdrawal symptoms at all and can go without nicotine – but it’s exhaling and something to do with your hands.”

While using patches, the couple started looking at the medical research around vaping.

“When we stopped the patches we picked up vaping. You could say it’s become another vice, but we’ve found it’s made this journey easier.”

Julian says the benefits of being smoke free go way beyond the new wheels. “We can do more activities. We never really get sick anymore with chest colds. We don’t do so much washing because our clothes don’t smell.”

Hope adds: “we’re saving time too. I used to feel like I was missing something when I went away for a smoke as my son would be sat playing.”

Julian thinks the secret to success is personal choice and commitment. “You have to do it for yourself and have your own private, personal reasons why you want to quit.

“Once you’re there, you’ve got to cut back on the social interactions that might lead you to smoke. You need to lead a different lifestyle for that initial stage of quitting, and just stay positive.

“For us, it wouldn’t have been possible if we didn’t commit to quitting together. Getting a brand new car feels like we’ve achieved something that’s so good, and we have the added health benefits.”

Vivien Daley, Canterbury District Health Board Smokefree Manager, says: “Smoking is more expensive now than it’s ever been, but there’s also more free support than ever before too – so it’s the perfect time to quit.”

Te Hā – Waitaha has Quit Coaches based all across Canterbury, in both urban and rural locations. Support can be provided face-to-face, via phone or text, in a group, or individually.

“We work with our clients to decide on which programme and location suit them best. We provide information and work with clients to find ways that can help make quitting a little easier, including free nicotine replacement products like patches, gum and lozenges and advice on ways to beat the cravings,” says Vivien.

If you or someone you know would like help to quit phone 0800 425 700 or register online at www.stopsmokingcanterbury.co.nz. To find out more about vaping, Quitline has prepared some frequently asked questions here.

About the Author


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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For Population Health SLA. Read full CCN work plan.

Health in all policies toolkit

Tools and tips to support a health in all policies approach.

Interpreter Services

Best Practice Guidelines for interpreter services for Canterbury health system.

Case study - Te Hā Waitaha

A case study about working together towards equity.

The Te Ha - Waitaha journey

A video of the journey to Canterbury's collaborative stop smoking service.

Te Hā - Waitaha

Offers free stop smoking support to anyone in Canterbury.

Alcohol-related harm

Outlines rationale and vision for the strategy.