Alliance Leadership Team welcomes new member
The Alliance Leadership Team (ALT) officially welcomed a new member to its ranks last week.
Dr Andrea Judd, Chairperson for the now disestablished Kaikoura Service Level Alliance (SLA), was welcomed by Chair Sir John Hansen.
He said: “I want to acknowledge the very substantial contribution Andrea has already made to our health system and the time she is giving up to bring her expertise to ALT.”
Having lived and worked as a GP in a remote rural community for 24 years, Andrea brings a wealth of knowledge around rural health and is well connected in the rural GP and rural hospital space.
As well as playing a part in the early design of CCN, Andrea contributed significantly to the Kaikoura Model of Care and played a major part in the leadership team during the earthquake earlier this year, along with the subsequent recovery.
She said: “Equity of healthcare is my focus whether that is to rural, Maori or Asian communities, or the vulnerable child or elderly patient.
“As a generalist rural physician and having been in leadership roles on the Kaikoura SLA, the Community Services SLA and Health of Older People Workstream, I will bring a diverse range of experience.”
To see the other members of the Alliance Leadership Team and perspectives they bring, visit the Alliance Leadership Team pages on the CCN website: ccn.health.nz
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