Hauora Tuawhenua

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The Rural Health Workstream is working towards improving health outcomes for the rural Canterbury population by enabling appropriate access to health care services in rural areas.

The Workstream is currently working to achieve equity of outcome across Canterbury by reviewing and planning the organisation and structure of rural health care services in context of the wider Canterbury health system.  This includes defining rural in the Canterbury context, promoting clinically and fiscally sustainable health services in rural areas, encouraging and recommending innovative solutions that support rural health services, and providing recommendations with a rural focus to other CCN Workstreams and Service Level Alliances.

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Christchurch Consensus 2022

13 Dec, 2022 | Return|

Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network released the Christchurch Consensus – Achieving healthy and thriving rural communities in Aotearoa New Zealand on 2nd November 2022.

The Christchurch Consensus has been developed with the input and feedback of Hauora Taiwhenua members who attended the National Rural Health Conference 2022 in Christchurch.

The Christchurch Consensus represents the combined advice of New Zealand’s rural healthcare providers about how the Government’s Health Reforms can alleviate poor health outcomes in rural communities.

It details priorities and calls to action that target the rural workforce crisis, unacceptably poor health outcomes for rural Māori, rurally focussed locality planning, and access to and funding of services that are set up specifically for rural areas.

While the Christchurch Consensus aligns well with the high-level intent of the recently released Te Pae Tata Interim Health Plan, it provides details and the rural lens necessary to effect a vital turnaround in rural health outcomes.

Hauora Taiwhenua Chief Executive, Dr Grant Davidson PhD, describes the Christchurch Consensus as “a clear and direct presentation on where and how the health system is failing rural communities and steps we can take towards resolving it.”

Dr Davidson also stresses the collective and expert nature of the Consensus, “These are the concerns of rural health practitioners, and the solutions offered in it come from their experience and the realities they deal with every day.”

Says Dr Davidson, “We want to see Manatū Hauora embed the Christchurch Consensus into Government’s first Rural Health Strategy so that together, we can make genuine inroads to improving the health and wellbeing of rural Aotearoa New Zealand.”

REF: https://htrhn.org.nz/news-media/christchurch-consensus-statement-for-improved-rural-health/

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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For Rural Health Workstream. Read full CCN work plan.