Hauora Tuawhenua

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The Rural Health Workstream is working towards improving health outcomes for the rural Canterbury population by enabling appropriate access to health care services in rural areas.

The Workstream is currently working to achieve equity of outcome across Canterbury by reviewing and planning the organisation and structure of rural health care services in context of the wider Canterbury health system.  This includes defining rural in the Canterbury context, promoting clinically and fiscally sustainable health services in rural areas, encouraging and recommending innovative solutions that support rural health services, and providing recommendations with a rural focus to other CCN Workstreams and Service Level Alliances.

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Simplifying access to after-hours care in Ashburton

31 May, 2019 | Return|

From 1 June Ashburton residents only need to call one number to access health care after-hours – their usual GP team.

Gordon Guthrie, Chairperson of the Ashburton Service Level Alliance, said the change would reduce confusion about accessing care after-hours in Ashburton. “Unless it’s an emergency when you should dial 111, your usual general practice team should be your first port of call when you, or someone in your family, is sick.”

“Even if your practice is closed your call will be answered by a health professional who can provide health advice, including information about what to do and where to go if you need urgent care.”

The Care Around The Clock campaign has been widely used across Canterbury since 2016, ensuring the community has access to free and professional health advice 24/7.

People who aren’t enrolled with a General Practice, or are visiting the area, can still call any General Practice number after hours for free advice.

“If you save your general practice phone number to your mobile phone, that’s the only number you need to access health advice 24/7.

“This call can save valuable time by ensuring you have the information you need to access the right care from the right service as soon as possible,” Guthrie says.

For details about Care Around The Clock check out the behind the scenes video that explains how the free after-hours health advice service works.

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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For Rural Health Workstream. Read full CCN work plan.