Manaaki ohotata

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The Urgent Care Service Level Collaborative (UCSLC) is helping provide the most appropriate urgent care options for people by providing clinical leadership to the development of processes and services that reduce Emergency Department attendances and hospital admission rates.

With a priority to meet the needs of the Canterbury population, this includes developing and refining community-based acute demand services, promoting shorter stay in Emergency Departments, supporting timely discharge from hospital, targeting patients with the greatest capacity to benefit, and supporting those with a high level of need to access appropriate urgent care in the community rather than in hospitals.

The UCSLA formed late in 2009 to look at the overall programme of urgent care in Canterbury, including revisiting the successful work done in the acute demand portfolio of work. The SLA is associated with the Acute Demand Management Service.

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It’s not too late to protect yourself against the flu

19 Jul, 2019 | Return|

More than a third of Cantabrians have had their flu immunisation already this winter and there’s still time for the rest of us to protect ourselves.

Recent data shows that 184,610 flu vaccines have been distributed so far this flu season – more than the totals taken at the end of the season for the previous three years. This is equivalent to 36 percent of the population and puts Canterbury at the top of the country for distributed vaccines.

Canterbury District Health Board Medical Officer of Health Dr Ramon Pink says, “It’s encouraging how many people have had their flu shots already but we can still do better.

“We would like to see much higher numbers with our Māori population, particularly our kaumātua over 65 who are funded for free shots and can set a good example for the rest of their whanau.”

Dr Pink says that there is a window of opportunity that people should jump on.

“So far this winter our flu numbers have been flat but from mid to late July we typically start to see the numbers rise. The flu shot can take up to two weeks to start protecting you so people should really get in now and urge their loved ones to do the same.”

This year’s vaccines for New Zealand have been developed to offer protection against the strain that circulated in the Northern Hemisphere during their winter, which lead to the worst flu season in nearly a decade. Around 80 percent of people infected with the flu show minimal symptoms so can be spreading it to vulnerable whanāu and members of the community without realising.

Some groups qualify for free flu shots and flu immunisations are  also available for a fee from general practices with some pharmacies also providing free and fee-paying immunisations.

“It’s much easier staying well than getting better so I urge people to take every action they can to avoid catching or spreading the flu,” says Dr Pink.

For more information, locations of pharmacies providing flu immunisations, and some fun activities to keep the kids entertained for at least ten minutes, check out our flu-free website flufree.co.nz

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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For the Urgent Care SLA. Read full CCN work plan. 

Care around the clock

A video explaining how the care around the clock service works. 

Choose well

Find out where to go for health care in Canterbury depending on your illness.

General Practice finder

Interactive map of Canterbury General practices (Te Whatu Ora Waitaha).