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The Mana Ake SLC under CCN was disestablished in December 2023. The activity of the group has been transitioned to the Community and Public Health | Te Mana Ora.

Mana Ake - Stronger for Tomorrow provides mental health and wellbeing support for children aged five to 12 years old across Canterbury.

Mana Ake kaimahi are employed by one of 12 providers and work with schools to support teachers, families and whānau when children are experiencing issues that impact their wellbeing such as managing emotions, friendships and bullying, parental separation and grief and loss.

Kaimahi have a diverse range of skills and include psychologists, social workers, counsellors, teachers and youth workers. Kaimahi can work with children and their families at school, in the community or at home and with groups of children in schools. They provide advice, guidance and support for teachers and family/ whānau.

You can talk to your local school to find out about what is being offered by the Mana Ake team.

If you're concerned about your child’s wellbeing or mental health, you should talk to their child's teacher, or a member of the school staff, to check if Mana Ake is the right service to support your child. If your child does not currently attend a school, you can request support directly from Mana Ake via manaakefeedback@cdhb.health.nz

Mana Ake team leaders (kaiarahi) support geographic teams of kaimahi. If you have a query about Mana Ake you can contact the kaiarahi for your area (phone numbers to the right).

See the links under the Related Pages heading to find out more about supporting a child’s wellbeing. This list includes the Mana Ake website

Mana Ake karakia read by Karaitiana Tickell

E atawhai ana mātou

Te whakatōkia o ngā kakano i ruia mai

E nga māhuri tōtara e tipu ana mō āpōpō.

Nā tātou katoa hei awhi te kaupapa,

Hei mana ake te tū tauira tonu ai.

Haumi ē, Hui ē, Tāiki ē.


We nurture and protect

the seeds sown near and far,

so that they may grow into mighty totara for a not so distant tomorrow.

We embrace our responsibility,

To encourage students on a path of lifelong learning.

Unified, Together, Strong.

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Supporting tamariki through big emotions

14 Mar, 2023 | Return|

For our tamariki (children), experiencing emotion, processing how it makes them feel and figuring out how to manage those feelings is a big learning curve.

That’s why Mana Ake – Stronger for Tomorrow has been providing support not just for children, but for the whānau (family) who support them, and it’s proved a big hit.

“The session was fantastic – it was so well run and provided me with useful information and practical tips I can use to support my son,” said Rebecca Muir, who attended a session in September for insight around managing big emotions with her six-year-old son.

“This includes child-appropriate time-outs when he is processing emotions, for example kicking a ball in the garden rather than time-out in his room. He has a lot of energy, and this helps him burn it off and we can have a chat about what he’s feeling and thinking.

“I also loved the concept of implementing a worry jar. The idea of the jar is to write down your worries on a piece of paper and place them in the jar, then as a family either once or twice a week you can read the worries and talk about them, and how you might overcome them.”

Jonathan Crosby, Mana Ake kaiarahi (team leader) for Northwest Christchurch and Hornby, said: “Managing emotions is a hot topic so this session covered lots of things such as the science of what happens in the brain when tamariki are working through big emotions, emotional coaching to increase relationship and emotional intelligence and practical strategies to use at home.”

The session, which more than 100 parents attended, also provided an opportunity for parents to connect with peers, work through activities and share tips, tricks, and resources.

Becky Voisey, Mana Ake kaiarahi (team leader) for New Brighton, Shirley and Pito Mata cluster (St Albans/ Merivale), said there is a good response to the sessions, with parents and caregivers interested in learning more.

“We provide the fundamentals, and it gives parents that ‘aha’ moment. This could include supporting children to move through anger or anxiety by breaking things down into instances rather than viewing the bigger picture or creating a diary of interactions to assess how both children and parents are responding.

“We try to focus on what parents can sustainably do at home without having to change the world.”

Feedback from parents who attended the sessions included appreciation of being able to “start dialogue amongst the attendees to reflect immediately on what we were learning” and being “really easy to listen to, with presenters who know their stuff.”

The sessions have grown from Mana Ake kaimahi (workers) forming strong relations with schools and understanding the key issues seen in referrals, classroom, or group sessions. Parent sessions are planned in response to need and scheduled at times people can fit into everyday life, such as evenings or weekends.

In the last year, the most common issues raised with the Mana Ake team in Canterbury included emotional regulation, anxiety, self-esteem, and social skills.

“In the last couple of years, there’s also been a focus on coping with change and dealing with grief. This includes helping tamariki and whānau work through changes impacted by the rising cost of living and the COVID-19 pandemic, including parents working more, changes at home such as parents separating, or missing parental figures,” Becky says.

“Whānau have a crucial role to play in understanding and modelling behaviour for our tamariki. Part of managing emotions and our response to them is understanding big emotions are normal.”

The team is currently working on a new programme of events for 2023, to sit alongside other in-depth programmes for parents including the popular Tuning into Kids course.

Find out more about Mana Ake, an initiative that provides mental health and wellbeing support for children aged five to 12 years old, here.

About the Author


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Useful resources

Mana Ake website

A new website designed to share information and resources with whānau.

Information flyer

Explains what Mana Ake is and how to access it.

Young one starting school?

A book for parents explaining how to support your child starting a new school.

Work Plan 2020-21

For Mana Ake SLA. Read full CCN work plan.