Ngā Ratonga ā Hapori

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The Community Services Service Level Alliance (SLA) is enabling flexible, integrated and responsive community services in Canterbury that help people to live safely within their own homes and communities.

Established in November 2011, the SLA is responsible for monitoring and guiding community services in Canterbury and recommending service improvements to support restorative care. The SLA’s vision is a health system where community services are driven by people’s individual goals and decisions, inclusive of family/whanau, links with primary and secondary services and, ultimately, support people to live at home and participate in the community.

Latest News

Redesign of Canterbury’s Community Services

07 May, 2016 | Return|

Canterbury’s Community services are undergoing a redesign to make sure they are best satisfying the needs of Cantabrians. More than 70 people from across community services attended a workshop to provide input into the redesign, which aims to address the increasing demand for services as our population ages and we provide more care at home.

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Inspirational 86 year old on her feet hours after op

Inspirational 86 year old on her feet hours after op

Strength and balance classes have earned their weight in gold for 86 year old Shirley Van Grinsven f...

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Community Services Redesign Workshop

Community Services Redesign Workshop

Read the summary and reflections from the Community Services Redesign Workshop, held 29 April at The...

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Community Services Redesign Recommendations

Community Services Redesign Recommendations

View the flowchart demonstrating the endorsed recommendations for the redesign of community services...

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Kaumātua connecting through kai and kōrero

Kaumātua connecting through kai and kōrero

Kai, kōrero and companionship is proving a winning combination for kaumātua (elders) through the K...

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Invitation to Showcase Nurse Maude 2016

Invitation to Showcase Nurse Maude 2016

Get to know one of CCN's alliance partners at Showcase Nurse Maude 2016.

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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For Community Services SLA. Read full CCN work plan.

Community Services Redesign

Demonstrates the recommendations for Community Services redesign.

Redesign Flowchart

Demonstrates the recommendations for Community Services redesign.