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The Integrated Diabetes Services Development Group was disestablished in January 2024. The activity of the group has been transitioned to the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Living Well stream.

The Integrated Diabetes Services Development Group (IDSDG) provides oversight and support to ensure an integrated diabetes service across Canterbury. The group provides clinical leadership, performance monitoring, contributes to national activity and acts as a centralised point of contact.

Perspectives include pharmacy, general practice, secondary care clinician, community and consumer.

Established in 2011, the group aims to make services available in the community so that people with diabetes are quickly identified and have management plans in place in order to optimise their current health status, avoid unnecessary hospital admissions and prevent adverse longer term health outcomes. This includes enabling alternatives to services in the hospital, supporting cooperation and coordination between health professionals, and facilitating better education and awareness to manage diabetes.

To achieve this, the programme is supporting diabetes programmes and services in the community, encouraging primary, specialist and hospital services to explore new ways of working together, and providing mentoring and clinical education to assist health practitioners to identify and manage their patients with or at risk of diabetes. 

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Diabetes Care Improvement Package (DCIP) Narrative Report

19 Oct, 2016 | Return|

The Integrated Diabetes Service Development Group (IDSDG) had a 100% response rate from all Canterbury practices completing the DCIP narrative report in May 2016.

The narrative report identified some good examples of innovative practice, suggestions and opportunities for improving services. We have collated the feedback in a summary report (attached). You might find some new ideas.

In addition to this, we’d like to thank you for supporting the regional data analysis for people with diabetes. Coding data has been collated with lab and retinal screening data from across Canterbury, giving us an insight into diabetes trends so we can plan services. This means practices are getting as much of the funding as possible that they are entitled to, to look after their patients. Your practice report is enclosed in this pack. The data presented is based on your practice register as at 30 June 2016.

We would also like to take this opportunity to update you on current diabetes-related activity; please contract us if you have any questions about these services:

  • Community Diabetes Nurse Specialist and Dietitian team – this team, based at Nurse Maude, is available to support general practice in managing their patients with diabetes.
  • Community Podiatry – Each PHO contracts podiatrists to deliver Canterbury’s High Risk Diabetic Foot programme. New guidelines for foot care are currently being ratified. Changes will be featured in HealthPathways when they are finalised; in the interim general practice can continue to refer clinically appropriate patients to this programme.
  • GP Subsidies – If you require extra time to support a patient who is newly diagnosed with diabetes, or starting insulin, remember there are subsidies available to offset some of these costs. Please note these subsidies are not meant for patients with ‘pre-diabetes.’ Check HealthPathways for criteria; ensure that urine albumin/creatinine has been checked, and the patient has been enrolled into the retinal screening programme.
  • Diabetes Education continues to be available through the Pegasus clinical education programme. In the past fiscal year over 160 GPs, Practice Nurses and Community Pharmacists have attended one of these sessions. See HealthPathways for current programme details.
  • Diabetes Care Improvement Package (DCIP) funding will continue to be allocated as set out in the agreement (i.e. six monthly). This funding is based on the practice’s coding of patients with diabetes, and contributes to your management of your patients with diabetes and prediabetes, especially high risk and high needs patients. The next narrative report from general practice on the use of these funds will be due April 2018.
  • Our Diabetes GP Liaison, Graham Whitaker, is available if you have any questions regarding services across the sector. He can be contacted on grahamwhitaker@hotmail.com.
  • A five year plan for people at high risk of or living with diabetes has been developed by the Ministry of Health after good engagement across the health sector. Twenty quality standards have been noted – this will be included in this pack. For more information about Living Well with Diabetes, see: http://www.health.govt.nz/publication/living-well-diabetes.
  • Lifestyle programmes such as Green Prescription and Appetite for Life are available if your patients would benefit from extra support to increase their levels of activity and/or modify their nutrition.

The IDSDG looks forward to continuing to work with the sector on improving the care of our diabetes population. For any further information, or to share your perspective and ideas, contact Deborah Callahan, CCN Integrated Services Programme Manager on deborah.callahan@ccn.health.nz.

Yours sincerely
Mark McGinn
Chair, IDSDG

Click here to read the DCIP narrative report summary 

About the Author


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Useful resources

Work Plan 2021-22

For Integrated Diabetes SDG. Read full CCN work plan.

Living Well with Diabetes

A plan for people at high risk of or living with diabetes 2015 - 2020