Archive by category: Our People Return
At the tender age of six years, Megan Bolt asked her parents if she could become a St John Penguin, which is part of the St John Youth Cadet Programme.
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29 May, 2020 |
Alliance members past and present have reflected on Sir John Hansen's ‘razor-sharp mind’ and ‘ability to always put the patient at the centre’ over the last decade.
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27 May, 2020 |
When Nurse Practitioner Deb Gillon could no longer visit her patients in their homes due to Covid-19, her skills were quickly redirected to support the pandemic nurse triage call centre.
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12 May, 2020 |
Many people across our health systems have been redeployed to different roles to support Canterbury’s collective response to Covid-19.
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19 Apr, 2020 |
Seventy four year old Marie Sincock from Woolston has dedicated much of her life to caring for others, even turning her home into a Residential Home for people with disabilities. But, after being diagnosed with Leukaemia last year she became unsteady on her feet and prone to falling.
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19 Apr, 2020 |
The ALT welcomed Karaitiana Tickell to a newly-created ALT role, providing a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) / community leadership perspective.
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07 Oct, 2019 |
Tuli was about 15 when he first got pneumonia in his home country of Samoa. He went on to have numerous lung infections and developed COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and bronchiectasis, which can be a result of ongoing infections such as pneumonia.
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01 Sep, 2019 |
Mana Ake - Stronger for Tomorrow has been selected as a finalist for the Spirit of Service awards in the Better Outcomes Award / Te Tohu mō ngā Hua E Pai Ake Ana.
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13 Aug, 2019 |
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