Archive by category: PartnersReturn
Getting busy Oxford service providers together is no mean feat, but Oxford Community Health Centre Practice Manager Sue Taaffe is leading the charge to re-establish the Oxford Provider Group.
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31 Oct, 2022 |
Laughter is often referred to as the best medicine, which Te Tumu Waiora’s Health Improvement Practitioners were treated with at an afternoon of connection and self-care held last month at the Design Lab.
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11 Aug, 2022 |
Funding for a programme which aims to support people recently released from prison to re-engage with their general practice in Canterbury has been extended.
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11 Jul, 2022 |
Jennifer Voice is feeling well cared for this winter, thanks to the support of the Care Coordination Nursing team at Riccarton Clinic.
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05 Jul, 2022 |
The importance of our community and people was at the heart of kōrero at a hui held to discuss challenges around access, capacity and demand across the Canterbury health system.
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14 Dec, 2021 |
Improving the physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing of our tamariki and rangatahi (children and youth) is the driving force for the CCN’s Child and Youth Workstream’s new Co-Chair.
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13 Dec, 2021 |
Leaders from throughout Canterbury’s health system came together for a couple of powerful hours on Friday 19 November to listen and to learn what people are saying across the system.
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26 Nov, 2021 |
A special overseas visitor recently gave Canterbury’s general practice and mental health teams some food for thought around new ways of providing wellbeing and mental health support.
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28 Oct, 2021 |
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