Archive by author: Natasha CaponReturn
When you’re not well it can be stressful and communicating is not always easy, which can sometimes be the case for New Brighton Health Care patient Michael who has Cerebral Palsy, which is a permanent condition that affects movement and posture.
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28 Jul, 2020 |
The Better Breathing Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme has had a facelift post-COVID.
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23 Jul, 2020 |
73 year old Barrie Reynolds and 71 year old Gary Syme both grew up when cigarettes were commonplace and avoiding second hand smoke was near impossible. They don’t know each other, but have a lot in common, including both now having breathing issues.
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10 Jul, 2020 |
During Alert Levels 3 and 4, acute plans were promoted as a solution to record decision-making, investigations, and goals of care that needed to be communicated to clinicians not familiar with the patient.
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08 Jul, 2020 |
This week is Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu - National Volunteer Week and the theme is, ‘Te Hua o te Mahi Tahi - the benefit of working together.
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23 Jun, 2020 |
General Practitioner and the CCN Clinical Lead for Shared Care Planning Rose Laing, has been continuing to care for patients at Cashmere Health where she is an associate. 
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29 May, 2020 |
At the tender age of six years, Megan Bolt asked her parents if she could become a St John Penguin, which is part of the St John Youth Cadet Programme.
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29 May, 2020 |
The following article is the first in our new series, ‘Equity in Focus’, which is dedicated to sharing the mahi taking place across the health system to achieve equitable health outcomes and demonstrate our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 
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29 May, 2020 |
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