GPs open for business as usual
People can still contact their general practice team or seek care at an urgent care centre during the level 4 lockdown period as they normally would.
“It is important that you remain healthy and have your usual check-ups, renew prescriptions and talk to your family doctor about health issues,” says Canterbury Primary Response Group Clinical Lead Dr Phil Schroeder.
“If people don’t seek advice in the usual way, then we risk a large number of people becoming unwell and requiring extra care, some in hospital,” he said.
General Practices are still open for business, which means you can still get the medical advice you need but that it may be delivered differently.
“Please phone your family doctor as usual for an appointment. The initial appointment may be by phone or if you can, video, and GPs will see you in person where required.”
If your general practice team needs to see you in person, they will care for you safely and protect you from the risk of catching COVID-19.
Your appointment will be treated the same as if you were in the clinic so fees will be applied accordingly. Chat to your usual GP team if you’re not sure about costs.
If you have Covid-19 symptoms you can free-call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or call your general practice team for advice. Covid-19 support and assessment is provided at no cost to you.
COVID-19 symptoms include a cough, fever, or shortness of breath. For more information about the signs and symptoms of Covid-19 visit covid19.govt.nz
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