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Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design is a flexible, values-based framework which ensures that people and their whānau are at the centre of designing equitable health services in a genuine and purposeful partnership.

The framework, which was  developed under the Te Tiriti and Equity Group, places an emphasis on purposefully engaging identified partners in the planning, development, and review of health and wellbeing services.

The key difference of this co-design framework is its foundation in ngā whanonga pono (values), which underpin six-step process. These values are:

  • Whakamana: recognising and respecting the mana of all partners throughout the process.
  • Ōritetanga: equality and equity – from beginning to end all partners have equal power and decision-making opportunity, achieving equity is the driving force.
  • Wānanga: providing opportunities for discussion to arrive at deeper understanding.
  • Mākohakoha: operating with a spirit of generosity and open mindedness.
  • Mana taurite: just, inclusive, fair, cooperative co-design.
  • Tino rangatiratanga: All partners of Te Tiriti o Waitangi are empowered and have agency over their health decisions; and our communities and future generations are able to access the support they need to be healthy, educated and to live good lives. 

In September 2021, CCN's Leadership Team agreed that the framework would be used for future design and redesign of health and wellbeing services across Canterbury.

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Webinar - Introduction to Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design

04 Oct, 2022 | Return|

Nau mai, tauti mai ki tēnei hui e whakamārama ana i tētahi rauemi hei āwhina i te mahi mana taurite o ngā kaupapa hauora.

Join the team who have developed a new framework, Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design (KKPID), to design programmes and services together with our communities and improve equitable outcomes for hauora (health and wellbeing) services.

This webinar will help you learn how to use the KKPID framework and start the journey to creating more accessible and equitable services for your community.

The webinar will cover:

  • Whakapapa of how the framework was created.
  • Why it is important we change how we design services.
  • Ngā uara (values) woven throughout the framework.
  • The six steps in the framework.
  • Tauira (examples) and case studies of how to use the framework when you’re co-designing services.

The webinar takes places Monday 17 October, 7-8pm. Download the flyer here and register for the webinar here

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Useful resources

Step-by-step guide

An introduction to the six-step values-based framework.

Printable tool

A printable tool which can be folded to fit in your wallet.

Video: KKPID - the basics

Watch this video to learn the basics of Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design.

Applying KKPID - case study

How the Pae Ora ki Waitaha project used Kia Kotahi Partnership in Design.